A place,
from which you’ll never
want to take a break

Your dreams of a large, tranquil, private, pine-scented backyard can now come true! These exclusive landscaped properties in Kakumäe offer an ideal retreat for those who appreciate a unique atmosphere and a high-quality living environment. Build a home for your family that will last for generations and grow in value over time!

Owning a home is an investment in yourself, your children and your future. Together we’ll preserve the value of this site of natural beauty and design backyards that appeal to the senses.
That’s how special your own home could be: a one-of-its-kind place that could be more than you ever dreamed it would be.
This unique environment awaits you close to the seafront in Tallinn, not far from some of the city’s best health trails. It’s the ideal place to live if you value your time and don’t want to have to spend too much on getting from A to B.

The properties are located on Korese Street in Vismeistri, which boasts newly completed roads, lighting and utilities. Connections to water, sewerage, electricity and data communications are included in the price.
The area is generously forested. Moreover, it’s recommended that you retain the taller trees on your property, the more valuable of which it’s in fact mandatory to retain – that way you can be sure the greenery in your area won’t disappear. Your backyard doesn’t necessarily have to be covered in grass either: you can leave the natural mossy undergrowth intact and enjoy the wild blueberries that grow there!